What We Offer

NT Travel, which organizes relaxing elderly holidays, has luxury or reasonably priced travel options according to everyone's budget. We are proud to present a holiday option designed especially for the elderly's travel needs. We prepare an activity and excursion options, along with a wonderful and accessible hotel accommodation at each destination where we offer.

Why Türkiye?

Elderly people aged 65 years and over will be able to travel for tourism purposes with a permission obtained from relevant authorities, the Interior Ministry has announced.

  • The most important advantage of Turkiye in medical tourism is the establishment of a roof structure to coordinate all health tourism activities and the development of a state policy (SATURK). As NT Travel, we have the full authorization to provide health services.
  • An important part of our health institutions is that they are at an advanced level in terms of technological infrastructure. Regional leader position in Training and Research Hospitals infrastructure.
  • Turkish Airlines which is the national airline that provides access to the most flight destinations in the world.
  • Plenty of highly specialized and qualified human resources in physician staff.
  • Turkey ranks second in the world in terms of the number of hospitals accredited by JCI.
  • Having many health-themed thermal resources and tourism facilities.


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