Disability is a phenomenon in which there are lots of different discussions about the description, explanation and experiencing forms. The position of disabled people in society, the meanings attributed to disability in the society, the policies developed/cannot be developed are important regarding creation of impression in human life. Everything told andrealized on this matter is a sign of the position that disability has in the social life. We all have a place in the social life, however, the comfort we have is largely dependent on how the other people position us.

This, whether congenital, as a result of an accident or an illness draws a completely different path for each disabled person. However, there are some common obstacles that each and every disabled person experience. External dependency is one of them and it largely determines disabled people’s position in social life. It also determines the meaning one attributes to his/her own identity. With other words, the meaning of disability in society also determines the way disabled people see themselves. Therefore, the studies about disability are conducted to raise awareness and decrease discrimination. With this way, social life is tried to be reorganized in such a way that everybody can live with comfort and the population is integrated with the social life as healthy as possible. Since disability’s position in social reality differs from place to place, the approaching policies to the disabled peopled also differ from country to country.

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